Shoot at the friendly WONDAI RIFLE RANGE
Situated on Rifle Range Road in Wondai QLD, just 20 minutes north-east of Kingaroy
The 100 yard to 900 yard Fullbore range on the Wondai Rifle Range.
The main range now shoots on HEXTA electronic targets.
When attending our range, please keep the following in mind:
Upon entry onto the range, please report to the clubhouse to sign in on the Range Attendance Sheet.
Enclosed footwear must be worn at all times on the range.
Sensible clothing and sunscreen are recommended while attending our range.
Children and under 18’s are welcome at our range, but must be supervised by a parent/guardian at all times.
Thank you, we hope to see you at our lovely range soon!
Our range consists of:
A 100 to 900 yard Fullbore range for centre-fire rifles with a velocity of up to 4,125 fps. Plus a .22 Rim-fire range out to 100 yards. With an under cover .22 target & silhouette range, with a 100 yard 3 target Centre-fire bench rest range alongside.
A pistol range for single and double actions handgun shooting events, also a black powder, archery and shotgun range are available at our complex.
Plus a clubhouse and amenities block with upgraded canteen and enclosed club activity area.