100 yard benchrest range mound

Amenities refurbishment

Butts repair

Butts wall repairs

Clubhouse area completed

Clubhouse enclosure underway

Clubhouse enclosure underway

Completed clubhouse enclosure

Installation of new roofing iron

Installation of new roofing

Levelling the dressing on the shooting mounds

Looking uprange from the butts area

Main range from 100 yards to 900+ yards

Main range refurbished

New 25 yard pistol range concrete slab

New 50 yard pistol range concrete slab

New cover for the silhouette shooting shelter

New insulated roofing

New level 400 yard shooting mound

New pistol slabs completed

New upgraded canteen

Canteen prior to renovation

Silhouette shelter

Silhouette shelter

Silhouette shelter slab being poured

Target frame repairs

Top dressing all finished across the range

Topdressing almost complete from 100 yard to 900+ yard ranges

Topdressing around the clubhouse area

Windows and doors for the clubhouse enclosure